After School Enrichment Classes
Session Three
The next session of our popular after school enrichment classes will start the week of February 23 - the week after Mid-Winter break. Registration and payment will be made on web. All classes are five weeks long.
Book Club
Day & Time: Mondays, 3:20-4:00pm (Feb. 23-March 23)
Price: $38 (Includes two books)
Grades: 3rd-5th grade
Location: Library
Back by popular demand! Join librarian Sarah Wildflower to read and discuss two great books. This session’s books will be:
Urchin of the Riding Stars
The Tale of Despereaux
Kindergarten Chess Club
Day & Time: Tuesdays, 2:45-3:45pm (Feb. 24-March 24)
Price: $68
Location: Stuart’s Room
Learn to play chess or practice what you already know! Chess can strengthen problem solving skills, teach children to make difficult and abstract decisions and enhance math abilities, memory and critical thinking skills. The ever popular Elston Cloy (and former Washington State Youth Champion) returns to guide the chess class.
Noisy Toys
Day and Time: Tuesdays, 3:20-4:30pm (Feb. 24-March 24)
Price: $68
Grades: 1st – 5th grade
Location: Art Room
The talented Jessamyn Hager returns to guide artisans as they create things that shake, rattle and roll. Students will use gourds, tubes, plastic bottles, rubber bands, small containers filled with beans or rice, ribbons and cords, small plastic containers, stickers, paint and embellishments to created odd and funky musical instruments.
Science Adventures
Day and Time: Wednesdays, 3:20-4:30pm (Feb. 25-March 25)
Price: $78
Grades: 1st – 5th Grade (No Kindergarten)
Location: Judith and Stuart’s rooms
Anatomy Academy
On your Mark! Get Set! Go! From nutrition to your heart, take a tour of the human body and discover the science behind keeping fit. Mix a sports drink, build a working model of a muscle and test your lung power as you discover how your body works from the inside out. Limit 24 Scientists
Day and Time: Thursdays, 3:20-4:30pm (Feb. 26-March 26)
Price: $68
Grades: K – 5th Grade
Location: Meets in Erin’s room for snacks, pick-up is in the gym
Cynthia Voth & Joanna Bond return to help kids get in touch with their bodies, strengthen and relax their muscles, and develop coordination, focus and confidence. Each class will include sharing, breathing/centering (pranayama), postures (asana), games that incorporate the postures, and a closing relaxation. Yoga can be a fun exercise for kids. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat.
Orff in the Afternoon
Day and Time: Thursdays, 3:20-4:30pm (Feb. 26-March 26)
Price: $53
Grades: 1st-5th grade
Location: Music Room
Come join Westside’s own music teacher Cathy to explore rhythm patterns, learn the technique of drawing out sound and practice playing together as an ensemble. Kids will have great fun as they play Orff instruments (the xylophones you've seen at Winterfest and Spring Fling), boomwhackers (pitched tubes) and other instruments from our music closet. Kids will be immersed in percussion music… and we might even try composing pieces!